$147.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Social Media Mentorship Course

This online course takes you through a clear roadmap to help you start and launch your personal brand on social media.

Designed for mission-driven women, this course offers personalized strategies to identify your message, create a social media strategy and use it to grow your business. 

Save time with tools, templates, and workflows that simplify your posting process and gain clarity on how to show up authentically online. 

What you'll get:

  • Self-paced online video course
  • The Storytelling Workshop
  • The Social Media Content Workbook


What People Are Saying:

Getting involved with Melissa Hughes’s TikTok Mentorship was one of the best decisions I made this year. Through her guidance and help, I was able to grow from less than 200 followers to over 3000 in a matter of  a couple months, as well as go viral several times. I’ve had 3 posts so far get over 10 thousand views and one got over 90 thousand. I also generated 310 sales in 3 days from a TikTok video we did together.

Timmy B.

When we started our TikTok account we had less than a few hundred followers. In just under 2 months, Melissa grew our account to over 23,000 followers on TikTok by taking clips from our podcast and turning them into TikToks. We also went from 5018 listeners to 8,288 listeners in that time as well. Melissa is quite possibly the kindest human on planet Earth... and the results she's gotten for us on TikTok are BONNKERS.

James C

The year I spent with Melissa Hughes as my mentor was truly transformational. I am not the same person I was; now, I am bolder, stronger, and much less fearful. Melissa didn't just wave a magic wand and change me; I took the steps and did the work. However, she provided an incredible path for me to follow. She walked alongside me, pulled me out of a couple of ditches, and helped me chop down the weeds and avoid those pesky thistles, all while cheering me on. Her genuine passion and dedication to helping others share their authentic selves have undeniably changed me for the better. I wholeheartedly recommend Melissa to anyone seeking a mentor who will inspire and empower them to journey confidently toward new destinations!

Barb K.